Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Find the bargains!

Scrapbooking is FUN, inspiring, stress relieving, creative but most of all important. One downfall to scrapbooking is that it can get SOOOOO expensive. When you start adding up a page it can sometimes reach to over $5.00 for just one layout. Although very rewarding I am constantly getting emails from people who want to continue their scrapbooking but haven't got all those big dollars to create those beautiful, well embellished layouts. I agree, if something has to give for the budget it certainly would be the extra curricular activity that I love to do. With times the way they are many of us are cutting back on just about everything we can.
So how can we keep doing out scrapbooking when out budget doesn't allow us to?
Cindy from Michigan wrote and told me that she had plenty of paper and other things but many of her supplies were those that she really couldn't use. So she planned a scrapbooking day with a group of her friends and instructed them to all bring 5 extra sheets of paper and 5 different embellishments along with 5 different yards of floss or ribbon. Cindy said she had them set them all out on a table and they all exchanged them around to meet their needs. It worked out great. They also spent the day using up their new supplies and getting a few layouts done.

That is just one great way to get around the economy and the BUDGET. Like Cindy most of us have plenty of supplies, but we are either tired of them or we just don't have anything to make with them. If you have a scrapbooking group, or friends why not see if you can swap things around and get some "New" products for each of you. That way they aren't just sitting there waiting to be used, but they actually can be traded for something that you will use!

Happy Scrapping.

Article by
Debbie Ruggles